
​ The design and construction of arch dams require complex analysis across various disciplines, including structural, hydraulic, and geotechnical engineering. ArchDam is a software tool that integrates with AutoCAD, and Excel, specifically designed to assist engineers in the design and analysis of arch dams. Key features of the software include:

  • Genration of arch dam and arch dam/terrain interface
    • ArchDam enables the creation of an arch dam model. It also facilitates the generation of the arch dam/terrain interface, which is essential for determining excavation parameters. The software generates an AutoCAD drawing, representing the arch dam as a 3DSolid. 
  • Generation of Excavation and Arch Dam/Abutment Interface
    • ArchDam ​automatically generates excavation based on parameters defined in the Excel input file, along with the Arch Dam/Abutment interface data. This information is displayed in the Excel input file’s CHART sheet, helping engineers evaluate whether the dam abutments are adequately embedded into the rock.
  • Generation of Concrete Bl​ock​​s
    • ​The software supports the generation of concrete blocks for the arch dam, including horizontal and vertical construction joints. The final concrete block design can be automatically exported as SAT or IGS files to finite element method software such as ABAQUS or DIANA for detailed analysis of static and dynamic load cases.
  • Generation of Plan View Dra​wi​​​​ngs

ArchDam allows for the creation of plan view drawings of the concrete blocks at various elevations.

ArchDam 3D View
ArchDam Coordinate List
ArchDam Plan View